Publications & Presentations

 Journal Publications

  1. Thermally Accelerated Curing of Platinum-Catalyzed Elastomers
    T.F. Yap, A. Rajappan, M.D. Bell, R.M. Rasheed, C.J. Decker, D.J. Preston
    Cell Reports Physical Science, 5(3), 2024
  2. Teflon AF–Coated Nanotextured Aluminum Surfaces for Jumping Droplet Thermal Rectification
    T.J. Shimokusu, A. Nathani, Z. Liu, T.F. Yap, D.J. Preston, G. Wehmeyer
    Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2300817, 2024
  3. Harnessing Nature’s Design with Necrobotics
    T.F. Yap, Z. Liu, A. Rajappan, T.J. Shimokusu, D.J. Preston
    Device, 1(4), 2023
  4. Rapid In Situ Thermal Decontamination of Wearable Composite Textile Materials
    M.D. Bell, K. Ye, T.F. Yap, A. Rajappan, Z. Liu, Y.J. Tao, D.J. Preston
    ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Articles ASAP, 2023
  5. Fluidically Programmed Wearable Haptic Textiles
    B. Jumet, Z.A. Zook, A. Yousaf, A. Rajappan, D. Xu, T.F. Yap, N. Fino, Z. Liu, M.K. O’Malley, D.J. Preston
    Device, 1(3), 2023
  6. Mitigating Contamination with Nanostructure-Enabled Ultraclean Storage
    Z. Liu, T.F. Yap, A. Rajappan, R.A. Shveda, R.M. Rasheed, D.J. Preston
    Nano Letters, 23(14), 2023.
  7. Logic-Enabled Textiles
    A. Rajappan, B. Jumet, R.A. Shveda, C.J. Decker, Z. Liu, T.F. Yap, V. Sanchez, D.J. Preston
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 119(35), 2022
  8. A Wearable Textile-Based Pneumatic Energy Harvesting System for Assistive Robotics
    R.A. Shveda, A. Rajappan, T.F. Yap, Z. Liu, M.D. Bell, B. Jumet, V. Sanchez, D.J. Preston
    Science Advances, 8(34), 2022
  9. Necrobotics: Biotic Materials as Ready-to-Use Actuators (Selected for Back Cover)
    T.F. Yap, Z. Liu, A. Rajappan, T.J. Shimokusu, D.J. Preston
    Advanced Science, 2201174, 2022
  10. Efficacy and Self-Similarity of SARS-CoV-2 Thermal Decontamination
    T.F. Yap, J.C. Hsu, Z. Liu, K. Rayavara, V. Tat, C.T.K. Tseng, D.J. Preston
    Journal of Hazardous Materials, 429(127709), 2022PDF
  11. Effect of Daily Temperature Fluctuations on Virus Lifetime
    T.F. Yap, C.J. Decker, D.J. Preston
    Science of the Total Environment, 148004, 2021 – PDF
  12. A Predictive Model of the Temperature-Dependent Inactivation of Coronaviruses
    T.F. Yap, Z. Liu, R.A. Shveda, D.J. Preston
    Applied Physics Letters, 117(060601), 2020 – Preprint

Conference Presentations

  1. Leveraging the Temperature Dependent Curing of Elastomers
    T.F. Yap, A. Rajappan, M.D. Bell, R.M. Rasheed, C.J. Decker, D.J. Preston
    Society of Engineering Science (SES) Annual Technical Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 8 – 11, 2023.
  2. Textile-Enabled Technologies for Human-Centric Soft Wearable Robots
    T.F. Yap, A. Rajappan, R.A. Shveda, B. Jumet, M.D. Bell, Z. Liu, C.J. Decker, V. Sanchez, D.J. Preston
    IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), Singapore, Apr. 3 – 7, 2023.
  3. Necrobotics: Reimagining Robotic Materials
    T.F. Yap, Z. Liu, A. Rajappan, T.J. Shimokusu, D.J. Preston
    3rd International Workshop on Insect Bio-inspired Technologies (IWIBIT), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Nov. 17 – 18, 2022.
    Best Poster
  4. Effect of Thermal Mass on Virus Inactivation Timescale
    T.F. Yap, D.J. Preston
    Micro Flow and Interfacial Phenomena (µFIP) Conference, Irvine, CA, June 20-23, 2022.
  5. Effects of Diurnal Temperature Range on the Inactivation Rate of SARS-CoV-2
    T.F. Yap, C.J. Decker, D.J. Preston
    APS March Meeting, Chicago, IL, Mar 14 – 18, 2022.
  6. Data-driven Model of the Thermal Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 
    T.F. Yap, Z. Liu, R. Shveda, D.J. Preston
    ACS Fall 2021 National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Aug 22 – 26, 2021.
    Selected for Sci-Mix presentation (top 10% of submissions)
  7. Data-driven Model of the Thermal Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2
    T.F. Yap, Z. Liu, R. Shveda, D.J. Preston
    NSF Workshop: New Frontiers of Thermal Transport, Dec 14– 16, 2020, Jan 4 – 6, 2021.
  8. A Data-driven Model of the Thermal Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2
    T.F. Yap, Z. Liu, R. Shveda, D.J. Preston
    6th Annual Smalley-Curl Institute Summer Research Colloquium. Aug 5, 2020.
    Best Poster